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Whangamata Estuary is at the southern end of Whangamata Beach, a beautiful white sand beach. Whangamata Estuary has a right hand break off the bar at the mouth to the estuary, and also some beach break peaks along from the estuary. When its on the wave has a hollow drop in with a barrel section, but is changable depending on sand movement. Whangamata can get very crowded especially in the holiday season, so watch out for swimmers. Whangamata is best for experienced surfers. being a river mouth watch out for rips and currents.
Whangamata Beach is regarded as one of the best surf destinations in New Zealand. It is a good beach break with several peaks, producing both left and right-handers. The wave can get hollow, with a fast drop in, and can get a heavy shorey. Whangamata can become very crowded, especially in the holiday season, so watch out for swimmers. It is suitable for all levels of surfer.
Hot Water Beach is a beautiful spot and one of the most picturesque beaches in New Zealand. It is very popular with the tourists, swimmers and holiday-makers. Hot Water Beach is a beach break on golden sand. It is fairly long with various peaks and is known to suck up for some hollow barrels. At the north end of the beach, there can be a left-hand point break, and at the south end, a right-hand break with an outer reef. The middle of the beach has natural hot springs in front of the rocks, where you will see people digging their own hot pools at low tide.
Coromandel is renowned for its beauty and is a very popular place to visit, especially over the summer months. The Coromandel Peninsula features many golden sand beaches along the East Coast, providing plenty of opportunity for surfing and other water sports.
The Coromandel's East Coast features some excellent surf breaks and can produce top-quality waves, especially when a cyclone swell comes down from the Pacific Islands.
Some well-known and popular beaches along the Coromandel Peninsula include: Whangamata, Tairua, Waihi and Hot Water Beach.
Whangamata Bar is well regarded as one of the best waves in New Zealand. When the bar is on it creates a awesome, long left hander, starting with a steep drop in, a long barrel section, then the wave just seems to keep on going with a nice wall to smash. The bar is best on the lower tide. Use the channel to help paddle out. Whangamata also has a good beach break with several peaks down the beach suitable for all levels of surfer. Whangamata can get very crowded especially in the holiday season, so watch out for swimmers, know the rules and respect the locals.